Folk, Roots Rock, Bluegrass, Acoustic songs.
Folk songs with a striking voice: this is how we can define Daniel Arena's style. His first steps into the music scene were as a drummer in a punk rock band in the 90s. Years passed and in 2017, Daniel got back to music as a singer and songwriter, influenced by Ben Harper, John Butler, Alexi Murdoch , José Gonzalez, among other artists. It was during this period that Daniel ventured into the world of alternative tunings with 12-string guitars, releasing “Libértula”, his debut album with entirely instrumental compositions and an acoustic sound, which would then define the artist's style.
Daniel Arena also plays the Weissenborn, an acoustic lap steel, which has a unique timbre and enriches his sound creations, with several tracks released using the instrument (most known one is 'Aurora') His compositions move between styles such as folk, roots rock and blues with an atmosphere that reminds us of calm and bucolic landscapes.
With songs inspired by trips to more than 40 countries, Daniel Arena has already performed at the Florianópolis edition of Sofar Sounds and at other festivals such as Maratona Cultural 2023, Semana do Rock Catarinense 2022 and 2023 and Picnic Itapema 2023. His songs are playing on radio stations such as Itapema FM, Udesc FM and Rádio USP - São Paulo, in addition of being part of official Spotify playlists with more than 50 thousand listeners.
Even though he chose Florianópolis as his city to live in, Daniel Arena is an artist who lives traveling the world, getting to know new cultures and always expanding his sonic horizons. New projects are on the artist's agenda. Among them a tour of some European countries, the production of a new album and performances at Folk Music festivals in Brazil and abroad.
Find out more about Daniel Arena’s work by clicking on the links below:
Music Videos
Daniel Arena Live
Articles in
Blogs/News Paper/ Sites
BUZZ Music (Estados Unidos, Mar 2019)
Matéria e Entrevista sobre o álbum "Urania"
Site Itapema FM (Brasil, 2019-2023)
Matéria sobre álbum "Urania"
Matéria sobre o clipe de "My Dog Can" no Canal BIS
Matéria sobre Singles de 2020
Matéria clipe "Oceankind" parceria com a Sea Shepherd
Matéria sobre o lançamento de "The Coast Inside"
Matéria sobre o lançamento de "Pure Water"
Matéria sobre o Picnic Itapema (2022)
Matéria sobre single "Free" na programação da rádio (2023)
Tenho Mais Discos que Amigos (Brasil, Set 2020)
Matéria sobre lançamento de "Clouds Garden"
Folkdaworld (Brasil 2020)
Matéria sobre o álbum "Urania"
Lista melhores singles Julho 2020
Tinnitist (Canadá 2021)
Matéria sobre o lançamento de "Son of September"
Portal Rifferama (Brasil 2021-2023)
Lista dos Melhores EPs do Ano 2021 de Santa Catarina
Matéria sobre lançamentos de 2021
Matéria sobre "Callisto" e os futuros EPs
Matéria sobre o álbum "La Contenta Bar"
Matéria sobre série de Eps - Luas de Galileo (2023)
Hits Perdidos (Brasil 2021)
Lista de melhores clipes de Março 2021
Lista de melhores clipes de Junho 2021
Lista de melhores clipes de Novembro 2021
Jornal ND Mais- Coluna Cacau Menezes (Brasil, Dez 2021)
Matéria sobre o EP "Callisto"
TV ND Mais/Record (Brasil, Out 2021)
Entrevista ao vivo no Programa SC no Ar
TV Record News SC (Brasil, Dez 2021)
Entrevista Exclusiva no Programa Conexão SC
Rádio Udesc FM (Brasil, Mar 2021)
Entrevista ao vivo no Programa Café da Tarde
Mutante Radio Web (Brasil, Mar 2021)
Entrevista para o Drops WhataFolk
Sofar Sounds Latin America (Brasil, Fev 2019)
The Urania Sessions (Brasil, Jul 2019)
Gravação do EP Ao Vivo - The Urania Sessions
Som na Sala (Brasil, Nov 2020)
Gravação ao vivo no Programa Som na Sala- Florianópolis-SC
Canal YouTube Paulo Jubiluti (Brasil, 2020)
2 Milhões de Inscritos
Trilha Sonora para o Episódio Caatinga-Biomas do Brasil
FAM 2020 - Florianópolis Audiovisual Mercosul (Brasil, 2020)
Música "Urania" tema para Rally Universitário/Video Clipe
TV Shows
Live Performances